TRAMES 1, 5, 2000


Ago Künnap

University of Tartu

Abstract. Estonian archaeologists deny their role in enhancing the theory about the coming of Uralians from the east. They accuse the Uralic linguists who proposed such a way of migration for the Uralic-speaking populations. I entirely agree with Estonian archaeologists in this matter. It is quite clear that Indreko's work, published in 1948, cannot be expected to tally with the newest modern viewpoints. Based on the results of modern research into human genetics we can easily discard Lapps from among Mongoloids. Samoyeds, however, extending as far as the eastern coast of the White Sea are undoubtedly non-Indo-Europoid Mongoloids. For clarifying the Mongoloid origin of Samoyeds, it is quite suitable to turn to Indreko's position about their migration from Asia westwards. Samoyeds are rather the former Mongoloid speakers of the Paleosiberian languages who have adopted the Uralic language form. It is clear today that the interpretation of part of Estonian archaeological bone findings as Mongoloid is erroneous: these are barely pseudo-Mongoloid. Indreko's viewpoints undoubtedly back the hypothesis about a very early and extensive spread of Uralic languages in northward Europe.

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